Union Pacific

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Union Pacific west from Council Bluffs, IA into eastern Nebraska in 1976. Lenz DCC with CVP wireless throttles. Layout has 380 feet of double track mainline, plus short Beatrice branch. A variety of jobs are available, including industrial switching, zone local, yard switching and mainline trains (nearly all trains do some work en-route). All trains run are based upon actual mid-70s UP operating practices. Equipment is appropriate for territory at that time, including UP 4, 6 & 8-axle power plus BN, CNW, MILW, RI, SP and other foreign road power & cabooses. All layout trackage is complete except for "side hill" connection down to the Omaha shops area. Layout includes building mock-ups but no scenery yet. Presently dispatched using informal TT&TO/rule 251 authority, until communication system and CTC panel are in service. No radio required.

Superintendent Mark Amfahr
Division or Location: Nebraska Division of Union Pacific; easternmost 55 miles modeled.
Interchange Railroads: ICG, CNW, MILW, RI, BN, N&W and MP
Size of Railroad: 380 feet of main track on two levels in 950 sq. ft basement.
Scale: HO
Era: 1976
Control System: Lenz DCC with CVP Wireless throttles
Scale Clock Speed: 4:1
Length of Session: 3-hour op. sessions cover am or pm periods on the prototype
Number of Crew: 10
Train Control: Rule 251 / TT&TO / CTC (installation not complete)
Are Radios Required: No
Listed Jobs: Council Bluffs Transfer/Delivery, Council Bluffs Yard (2 switch jobs), Valley Switcher, Fremont Switcher, 2 Road/Industry jobs, 2 Road jobs, Dispatcher
Accessibility: Stairs
Distance from hotel: 21
Estimated travel time from hotel: 26
Web Site: {None...yet}
Pets: None

Layout photos (click to enlarge):

Council Bluffs Yard looking West

Council Bluffs Yard looking West

Council Bluffs Yard Engine Facility

Council Bluffs Yard looking East

Council Bluffs Yard looking East

Working the Valley switcher
Valley, Valmont
West end Elkhorn
U50Cs passing Mercer

Woody Industrial Area

Woody industrial area

ARRO & NS power

Layout Schematic - West End

Layout Schematic - West End

Actual Council Bluffs Yard schematic

Actual Council Bluffs Yard schematic

Layout Schematic - East End

Layout Schematic - East End


Modeled Council Bluffs Yard schematic

Modeled Council Bluffs Yard schematic


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