Quincy and Torch Lake RR

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Welcome to Upper Michigan in the fall of 1942. The most important part of the session is to keep the copper ore flowing for the war effort. Don’t let narrow gauge fool you into thinking it’s only about the scenery!

Although the layout is photo finished there is plenty of operation to keep crews busy for the two and a half hours. Three train crews move between nine to twelve trains during a session and keep the yardmaster and crew busy. The yard master also controls a throttle and locomotive. Although the operation is laidback there is plenty of movement by train sheet and switch list.

All the locomotives are custom kit bashed by a professional and dear friend. The locomotives have been featured in the Narrow-Gauge Gazette in July/August 2018. The layout operation was covered in the Gazette Sept/Oct 2022. There is a third Gazette article and a Model Railroader article coming this year.

Superintendent Pat Thoney
Division or Location: Upper Michigan Copper Mining
Interchange Railroads: None
Size of Railroad: 800+ square feet
Scale: On30 Narrow Gauge
Era: Early Fall, 1942
Control System: Digitrax
Scale Clock Speed: N/A
Length of Session: 2.5 hours
Number of Crew: 5
Train Control: Verbal Authority
Are Radios Required: No
Listed Jobs: Yard Master, Yard Crew, 3 to 4 train crews
Accessibility: Basement stairs. Wide newer staircase, wide aisles and no duck unders
Distance from hotel: 91 miles
Estimated travel time from hotel: 85 minutes
Web Site: Quincy and Torch Lake RR Facebook page
Pets: Two small unaggressive dogs

Layout Photos (click to enlarge):

Number 5 pulls cars onto scale
Number 6 passing through Paavola
Train crews running around each other in Mason
The Yard in Quincy building trains
Looking down a 42 foot wall
The mills in Mason

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