Schuylkill Branch of the PRR

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NOTE: This layout will only be available for an extra session the week of ProRail.

The model railroad is loosely based on the Schuylkill Branch of the Wilkes-Barre Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1954. Various liberties have been taken regarding the period modeled: Trains 5901 and 5906 ("The Anthracite Express") and trains 5903 and 5908 ("The Mountaineer") still run between Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre on the model railroad, although in reality, these trains were no longer in existence in 1954. This is also true for the commuter trains that ran between Philadelphia and Reading.

The model railroad is still a work in progress, and the modeled portion of the branch represents East Reading through Hamburg to Pottsville, PA, including the Minersville Branch that connects with the Schuylkill Branch at Carbon Yard in Pottsville. The scenery on the existing part of the layout is approximately 50% complete.

The layout is controlled by Digitrax products, Dick Bronson’s RR-Cirkits components and JMRI’s "Panel Pro" to control the railroad, including the signature PRR position-light signal system.

Superintendent Greg Hippen
Division or Location: Schuylkill Branch of the PRR - East Reading to Pottsville
Interchange Railroads: Philadelphia and Reading
Size of Railroad: 576 sq. ft.
Scale: HO
Era: 1954
Control System: Digitrax
Scale Clock Speed: 4:1
Length of Session: 3 hours, representing a 12 hour shift
Number of Crew: 1 to 6
Train Control: Verbal Authority and Automatic Block
Are Radios Required: No
Listed Jobs: Dispatcher, 2 mine runs, 2 coal runs, 2 express passenger trains, 4 commuter trains, 2 yard jobs, 5 freights, 2 local switching
Accessibility: Stairs to basement
Distance from hotel: 7.5 miles
Estimated travel time from hotel: 12 minutes
Web Site: {None...yet}
Pets: None

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