Missabe Valley

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The Missabe Valley is an N Scale layout that runs from the Missabe Junction Yard and Ore Dock in Duluth, Minnesota, to the Rouchleau Crusher and Oliver District in Virginia, Minnesota. It is a transition era layout based on the Missabe Division of the Duluth Missabe and Iron Range (DM&IR).

The Missabe Valley is an 11x23 foot walk-around (walk-in) style layout, with no duck-unders. It is a folded dog-bone – with a Loads-in / Empties-out configuration creating an end-to-end layout (“rock to dock”).

Operations is casual and relaxed – with a 2 ˝ to 3-hour operating session. Car Card and Waybills route traffic. Detailed work instructions are provided for operation of each train. Layout is well labeled and uses Digitrax control. Several of the early six-axle diesels are sound equipped. Each crew member will rotate through several of the jobs – giving a variety of operating exposure. Trains included are: passenger, loaded and empty ore to/from the Crusher and Ore Dock, Proctor Road Switch, MinnTac and Virginia MRF, and more.

Superintendent Damian Kostron
Division or Location: Duluth to Virginia, Minnesota(DM&IR Missabe Division)
Interchange Railroads: NP with the Missabe Jct Yard
Size of Railroad: 11 feet by 23 feet
Scale: N
Era: Transition
Control System: Digitrax
Scale Clock Speed: N/A
Length of Session: 2.5 - 3 hours
Number of Crew: 4
Train Control: Verbal Authority
Are Radios Required: No
Listed Jobs: Crew 1, 2, 3, Oliver
Accessibility: Stairs to basement train room
Distance from hotel: 20 miles
Estimated travel time from hotel: 25 minutes
Web Site: None...yet
Pets: None

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