The Central of Minnesota

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The Central of Minnesota actually existed! On paper, as a land grant railroad in the 1870's. My Central of MN exists purely on trackage rights from Peoria to Minneapolis (M&StL trackage) to Winnipeg (Soo Line trackage). It runs as a foil to the Great Northern, so much so that the GN refuses the C of MN use of the union station in Minneapolis. As such, the C of MN's passenger trains from Peoria and St. Paul are consolidated at the M&StL's rather dingy Washington Ave. depot.
The modeled portion of the railroad is from just east of Cedar Lake yard to Washington Ave/Lake St/Northeast Minneapolis. This is all yard limits, so trains are run in a sequence. Middle yard serves to generate five switch jobs and break down several transfers from other railroads or "through" trains that originate in one of the three staging yards. No long mainline runs on this railroad!

Superintendent Joe Binish
Division or Location: Central of Minnesota, Minneapolis Terminal
Interchange Railroads: NP, CRI&P, MNS, CMO, CMStP&P, M&StL
Size of Railroad: 28 ft by 10 ft (mostly 12" to 24" wide)
Scale: HO
Era: January, 1953
Control System: Digitrax UT4R simplex and UT4
Scale Clock Speed: None
Length of Session: 2 1/2 to 3 hours
Number of Crew: 6
Train Control: TT&TO, the entire layout is rule 99, yard limits
Are Radios Required: No
Listed Jobs: Yardmaster, 4 switch crews (some may double up for a time), Mainline operator (runs transfers, through trains, passenger train sections)
Accessibility: Stairs
Distance from hotel: 16 Miles
Estimated travel time from hotel: 22 Minutes
Web Site: {None...yet}
Pets: None

Layout Photos (click to enlarge):

CN grain train on its way to Middle Yard
M&StL passenger stop at Minneapolis
Washington Ave
Middle yard
More Middle yard
3rd street industries
MIR job industries
Washington Ave traffic
StPB&T on the CofMN
Third Street Job trundles down the main line
Switching Third Street
Third Street Job runs around its train

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