CB&Q: Chicago-Aurora-C&I

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NOTE: This layout will only be available for an extra session the week of ProRail.

Set in the early to mid-1960s, the railroad runs from Chicago (Chicago Union Station to Aurora to Savanna, IL) with North Staging at La Crosse, WI. The run from Chicago to Aurora includes the famous triple track “racetrack” that handles all freight traffic and eventually the Zephyrs and Dinkies.

West of Aurora, the mainline splits with the CB&Q main (Mendota sub) heading to Galesburg and Streator staging and the C&I going up the helix towards Savanna. The C&I was a single mainline with passing sidings in each town along the way.

At Savanna - the tracks can go in three different directions - North to La Crosse staging, South to Galesburg and Moline (via the Pea Vine) and East to Chicago.

There are three major yards on the railroad - Cicero on the East End, Savanna on the North End and Eola in Aurora. Each yard will have a Yardmaster and one or two switchers. Most local jobs originate out of Eola with a few out of Savanna and Cicero.

In the process of installing detection and signaling on both levels. The C&I is under full CTC. The East End currently has detection with verbal authority. All mainline switches are controlled by the Dispatchers.

Superintendents Scott and Nancy Stearns
Division or Location: Northern Illinois (Chicago Union Station – Aurora – Savanna)
Interchange Railroads: Harbor Belt, EJ&E, CNW, Milwaukee
Size of Railroad: 30x50 – Two Decks plus lower staging
Scale: HO
Era: Early to mid-60s
Control System: Digitrax
Scale Clock Speed: 3:1
Number of Crew: 25-30
Train Control: C&I Division – ABS; East End – Verbal; Aurora Tower - Verbal
Communication: Crew: radio; Dispatch: phone
Listed Jobs: Two dispatchers: East End and C&I, Aurora Tower Operator, 3 yardmasters with associated switch crews, 5 mainline switch jobs, 6 local switch jobs, 4 mainline switch jobs and several mainline trains.
Accessibility: Dedicated building on ground level - no stairs. There is a duckunder.
Distance from hotel: 68 Miles
Estimated travel time from hotel: 75 minutes
Web Site: {None...yet}
Pets: None

Follow this link for a more information about the railroad. CB&Q: Chicago-Aurora-C&I

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